This section describes the hardware design and software features available in all Power PMAC products.

This section describes the thread scheduling architecture of Power PMAC, discusses its role as a computer and a controller, and covers some more software and hardware features.


This section shows users where to get access to manuals and technical support vital to setting up any system.

This section discusses the intricacies of project storage, loading, and backups.

This section explains how to communicate with the Power PMAC from a Host PC.

Explains jog moves, which are basic, point-to-point, trapezoidal velocity moves commanded in motor coordinates.

Explains triggered jog moves, which are jog moves that can be interrupted by a high-accuracy hardware or software input trigger for the purpose of homing, stopping at a hardware-driven location, or capturing positions accurately.

Explains how to group motors together in “user units” (e.g. inches, mm) and a user-defined coordinate system for the purpose of coordinated, synchronized motion in a motion program.

Explains global, csglobal, ptr and local variables for use in programming.

Explains how to write a motion program for the purpose of programmatic, coordinated, synchronous motion in a coordinate system.

Explains the various types of trajectories that users can command to axes in coordinate systems: linear, circle, rapid, spline, and PVT.

Explains how to write asynchronous programs in Power PMAC Script language that can be used for machine governance, safety, I/O, homing, starting motion programs, and many other purposes.

Explains how to set up data gathering through the Plot tool in the Power PMAC IDE, and then start and stop the data gathering process inside a motion program.

Explains how to create general-purpose, modular functions that can be called from motion programs, PLCs, and kinematic subroutines, typically useful for repetitive actions or simplifying code bodies.

Explains how to write kinematic subroutines, which are required when defining a coordinate system for nonlinear mechanisms, such as is usually the case in robotics.

Explains how to trigger a high-frequency digital output, called the EQU, based on encoder position. This feature is performed in hardware, thereby allowing exact-count position capture at very high frequencies.

Explains the various kinds of C programs that users can write and run on Power PMAC, including the Real-Time CPLC, the Capture/Compare Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), Background CPLCs, and Background C Programs (i.e. GPOS programs). Also discusses some of the more advanced programming that can be done, such as multithreading, communication with peripherals, and running C functions through Power P

Explains how to access shared memory structures and variables through C programs.

Explains how to rotate, scale, and translate coordinate systems dynamically through a motion program.

Explains how to dynamically adjust the feedrate in an entire coordinate system based on a “master encoder” input, which is especially useful in material web feeding applications, mandrel taping, and machine tool threading applications.

Explains how to define a lookahead buffer of user-specified size which Power PMAC will fill up as it generates subsequent segments in a trajectory commanded through a motion program. Power PMAC then compares the generated blocks against user-defined position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk constraints, and adjusts the time duration of the segments in order not to exceed the constraints, maintain

Explains how to define compensation tables, which can be used to compensate position-based imperfections in sensors, machine geometry (e.g. from a bowed leadscrew), backlash, and motor torque (e.g. through an asymmetric magnetic field).

Explains how to define a cam table, which is a special type of compensation used to generate a custom position trajectory for a slave motor based off of the cyclical motion of a master motor. Torque output adjustments and I/O manipulation can be issued at user-defined locations along the cam trajectory as well.